The mind is the most powerful tool our body has. In the same way that the mind can make us ill (for instance via stress or phobias), the mind can make us better……

Hypnotherapy utilises a perfectly natural phenomenon known as Hypnosis to use this power of the mind to bring about beneficial changes in an individual.

Hypnosis is a comfortable, pleasant, safe state of mind that all of us experience regularly throughout our lives. That state of mind, for instance, where, just before you wake in the morning you hear your alarm, or a voice outside, but you think its in your dream…….. that half-awake, half asleep state, is a form of natural Hypnosis. Daydreaming too, is also a form of mild hypnosis.

Although sometimes mistakenly described as a sleep state, (probably due to the Greek origins of the word Hypno, meaning sleep) Hypnotherapy actually induces an altered state of ‘consciousness’ where the individual is generally fully aware of what they experience, but is very comfortably relaxed. It is sometimes known as a focused awareness. Hypnotherapy allows the therapist to communicate with the deep, inner parts of the clients own powerful mind, known as the unconscious, or subconscious part of the mind. This level of communication can help alleviate many types of issues for people, particularly behavioural and emotional problems.

Hypnosis is a completely natural state to experience and Hypnotherapy is where the professionally trained therapist helps a client systematically go safely into this enjoyable state and then uses this relaxed condition to alter how the mind interprets troubling issues, thereby bringing about beneficial change for the individual. A very deeply relaxed state of mind is aimed for because once in this state, psychotherapeutic intervention will be more effective.
Is Hypnosis dangerous?

No…….. With a professionally trained therapist there are no dangers with Hypnotherapy. In fact it’s generally a very enjoyable experience.

It is impossible to get ‘stuck’ in hypnosis, and although there is a common belief that ‘secrets’ will be divulged, this is not true. The therapist has no power to control the client or make you do anything you don’t want to do. In fact you could open your eyes at any point and end the session.
Who can be hypnotised?

Anybody ‘who wants to be’ can be guided into a state of therapeutic hypnosis as long as:

  • The therapist has sufficient skill
  • The client has sufficient motivation to enter the state (i.e. wants to be hypnotised)
  • The conditions of the immediate environment are conducive to relaxation

All that is really needed from the client is the ability to concentrate and the willingness to work with the therapist.
What does it feel like to be in Hypnosis?

The process starts with you sitting comfortably in a chair, in a peaceful room with the therapist. The Hypnotherapist then guides you, using words and music, to use your own imagination, to gradually take you into the beautiful state of altered consciousness known as Hypnosis.

There are no specific feelings that let you know you are in hypnosis.  However, generally people feel very deeply, physically and mentally relaxed. You will probably feel you could open your eyes, but really don’t want to. However, although you may be very deeply, physically relaxed, the unconscious part of your mind is generally more alert and sensitive and often you will be perfectly aware of what you experiencing.
Is it like stage Hypnosis?

No….. Therapeutic or Clinical Hypnotherapy is completely different to stage Hypnosis.

A stage hypnotist will use a series of  pre performance tests to help him select from a large audience a handful of the most susceptible and to a degree, the most ‘up for it’ people that will help him in  putting on a good show. Stage Hypnosis is done for entertainment purposes only and is for the benefit of a paying audience.

By complete contrast, a Hypnotherapist is trained and skilled to use Therapeutic / Clinical Hypnosis, in a one to one setting, with the sole aim of helping an individual bring about beneficial change for themselves. A Hypnotherapist can help with a wide range of problems, in a way that is safe, private and tailored specifically for each individual.


Who can it help?

Hypnosis has been shown to be helpful in the treatment of Anxiety, Stress, Weight Control, Phobias, Bereavement, Self Confidence and Pain Relief.  Our Hypnotherapist is Michael Gill.  Michael has worked as a Hypnotherapist in private practice since finishing studying ‘Clinical Hypnotherapy’ at the Northern College of Therapeutic Hypnosis in 2005.

Over the years he has helped numerous clients to use the power of their own minds to bring about positive changes to their lives, with most clients needing only one or two sessions before reaching their goals. Michael will work at the clients pace to make each session a comfortable, relaxing and enjoyable one. Allow yourself a couple of hours out of your day, set aside just for you.

To book an appointment to see Michael please call our reception team on 01706 819464.

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