Lifestyle Therapy

Lorraine Hogg

Lorraine Hogg

I’ve recently been invited to work at Physio and Therapies and I have to say it’s exciting to be seeing patients face to face again, after running my clinic predominantly online for the past few years. I’m Lorraine and I’ll be working here in my role as Naturopathic Nutrition Therapist, Homeopath and qualified Teacher. I love working with people to…

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J Hellings

J Hellings

J completed their fourth and final year of psychotherapy training at the Manchester Gestalt Centre in 2021. During their training, J took on counselling placements at Manchester Mind and LGBT Foundation. They have spent hundreds of hours working with people who sought help through those charities and will continue working with LGBT Foundation for the foreseeable future. Some people are…

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Clare Whitworth

Clare Whitworth

Clare gained her MA in Psychotherapy and Counselling from the University of Leeds, and is an accredited member of the BACP (British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists). She works with adults, children and young people, in-person and online. Clare has previously counselled with charities such as Mosaic II (working with sexual abuse) and alongside private practice currently works with TalkThru…

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Lauren Kay

Lauren Kay

Counsellor and Reiki Practitioner Lauren is a qualified counsellor with a Post Graduate Diploma and Masters Degree in Counselling and Psychotherapy, which she completed at The University of Manchester. Lauren is a registered member of the British Association for Counsellors and Psychotherapists (BACP) and she practices in accordance with their Ethics, Standards and Guidelines. She has over 5 years experience…

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