Reiki Healer

What is Reiki?

Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a Japanese word meaning Universal life force, an energy that is all around us and that runs through every living being. Reiki heals the body holistically, meaning it helps to heal on a physical, mental and emotional level. This is achieved by channelling Reiki healing energy from the universe to the recipient via my hands.

Reiki Healing & Crystal Healing sessions.

How can Reiki help?
When we go through a difficult or stressful time in our lives, whether this be a physical experience or an emotional one, our energy levels can become depleted leaving us feeling worn out and fatigued. It can also result in “blockages” forming in our energetic bodies. The type of experiences that could cause this to happen include an emotional upheaval, such as the breakdown of a relationship, a traumatic event such as a car accident, or the loss of a loved one. A physical ongoing illness or surgery we have had or need. A particularly stressful time at work or at home may increase our anxiety levels and negative thinking patterns.

Reiki can help to “top back up” our energy and clear these energy blocks, meaning we feel more like our old selves again, have more energy and remember how to enjoy life again. Reiki can be used to help with many things in the body, but some of the most common are as follows:

Bring about deep healing and relaxation.
Clear energy blockages which can later lead to disease.
Promote the body’s natural ability to heal itself.
Strengthen the immune system.
Relieve pain and inflammation.
Reduce stress, anxiety, depression and panic attacks.
Migraines, headaches and other tension-related conditions.
Overcome traumas and emotional up-heavals.

How will I feel?
Everyone’s experience of Reiki is different, but the most common sensation is feeling very relaxed and sleepy. Some people also feel other sensations such as heat or tingling, whereas others do not feel anything at all. No matter what you experience, you will still be receiving the benefits of the Reiki energy. After your Reiki session, you may feel very relaxed and sleepy for the rest of the day, with clients usually reporting that they have experienced a good night’s sleep after a session.

What will I need to do?
We will begin your appointment by going through a quick consultation. This helps us both to find out and focus on the main areas that require assistance. During a Reiki session you remain fully clothed and I will ask you to lie down on the therapy couch and get comfortable. You may have gentle music or the peace of the room. We will make sure you have any additional blankets or pillows you require, then we will start your session. Some of the time I will be gently placing my hands on you (with your permission), at other times I will be working in your energy field by positioning my hands a few inches above your body. The session will last roughly about an hour, afterwards I will run through the particular areas of the body that I felt I needed to focus on and any other feelings or sensations I picked up.

What is Crystal Healing?
Crystals have been used as far back as there are history records, in order to bring about healing and provide protection. Crystals achieve healing holistically, meaning they work upon the mental, emotional and spiritual levels of the body. Each crystal has it’s own individual energy frequency, which can be utilised in order to correct energy imbalances in the body.

Crystal Healing can help our bodies to enter a deep state of relaxation, this helps us to let go of stress and negative thought patterns that can be draining to our energy levels, eventually creating ‘energy blockages’ over a period of time. The type of experiences that could cause this to happen include; an emotional upheaval, such as the breakdown of a relationship. A traumatic event such as a car accident, or the loss of a loved one. A physical ongoing illness or surgery we have had, or need. A particularly stressful time at work or at home, which increases our anxiety levels and negative thinking patterns.

A Crystal Healing session can help to release any energy blocks, and ‘top up’ our energy levels meaning we feel more like our old selves again, have more energy and remember how to enjoy life again. Crystal healing can be used to help with many things in the body, but some of the most common are as follows:-

Bring about deep healing and relaxation.
Clear energy blockages which can later lead to disease.
Promote the body’s natural ability to heal itself.
Strengthen the immune system.
Relieve pain and inflammation.
Reduce stress, anxiety, depression and panic attacks.
Migraines, headaches and other tension-related conditions
Overcome traumas and emotional up-heavals

What will I need to do?
We will begin your appointment by going through a quick consultation. This helps both of us to find out and focus on the main areas you need assistance with. Initially, it may begin with the appropriate carrying/wearing of crystals, followed by advanced energy work with specific crystal configurations over 3 – 6 weeks to remove stubborn, negative patterns promoting healing on a deeper level.

During a crystal healing session, you remain fully clothed, and I will ask you to lie down on the therapy couch and get comfortable. We will make sure you have any additional blankets or pillows you require, then we will start your session. There will be no music, just the peace of the room. I will prepare your energy field, position the crystals on and off your body, ignite the crystals then leave them in position for up to 30 minutes. They will then be removed. Half an hour will then be required to ensure that you are grounded, to sit peacefully . A warm drink and snack will be provided.

The session will last roughly 90 minutes. This is an energy-expansive treatment which requires ideally that you ensure that it will be possible to take a 30-minute soak in a bath afterwards, eat light, avoid intoxicants for up to 12 hours and drink 2 litres plus of water daily for the 2 days that follow.